About Bill Gluth

About Bill Gluth

Founded in 2001, Creative Thinking for Business believes that small business is the future of work and the American Economy. Our mission is to help small, service-based businesses whose work impacts the lives of their clients to remain healthy, vital, and stay on a steady growth track.

We accomplish this mission by using a systematic business growth and marketing strategy foundation that focuses on the Duct Tape Marketing proven principles of Build, Grow, and Ignite.

This methodical structure evolves as the marketing needs of every client we work with continue to grow and is a foundational element of the Creative Thinking for Business strategy.

We know that when a marketing strategy is developed systematically first, marketing tactics work to grow small businesses consistently.


I grew up in a family of business owners. At the ripe old age of 10 years old, I started my first enterprise, renting a massive collection of comic books to local neighborhood kids. Ten cents a week per comic book grew into more cash flow than a lemonade stand, that’s for sure.

I developed a love of small business right away.

In my adult life, I feel like I have lived many lives, all in this one lifetime.

I have been a pro musician, military dog handler, policeman, advertising photographer, VP Creative in advertising, VP Sales and Marketing, and, most recently, since 2001, a business development or “biz dev” guy.

I always thrived on accomplishments. I developed a profitable advertising photography studio from start-up, led the team that created one of the first online portfolio portals for advertising photographers, directed a fine art gallery, built and directed sales teams, created profitable marketing outreach programs, and had fun helping small businesses grow.


in 2001, I discovered that business owners with a vision, and great business concepts who have a strong desire to change the lives of the clients they serve, often were not able to see the gaps in the system of business development that was costing them significant money every month.

Because they were not able to see the gaps, they had no way to bridge them to increase profitability.

I began Creative Thinking for Business, with a mission to uncover the gaps in the sales process and create strategy “bridges” over them to increase profitability for my clients.

As a creative problem solver, sales process, content marketing, and marketing strategy specialist, I have developed the knowledge, skills, experience, and background to support small business owners and their management teams to increase revenues.

We support service-based small business who provide a service that changes the lives of their clients in some way with a Strategy First approach followed by a systematized plan that takes your business growth strategy through a Build, Grow, and Ignite process to increase revenues, sales, and the profitability of your company long-term.


The Creative Thinking for Business Center website is a portal to providing business development resources, services, and consulting.

If you need to take the overwhelm, frustration, and confusion out of your marketing and business growth programs, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

Bill Gluth

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